Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When Little Girls Grow Up

Yesterday marked a momentous day in our family. Hannah started school. Last Thursday we visited her classroom and met her teacher Ms. Lampman. We dropped off the plethora of school supplies and she explored her new surroundings.

All weekend she kept asking when it would be Monday. She only got up ten minutes early, for which I was grateful. She wore her back pack around for about 15 minutes before we left for school. She got up and got ready really well. She was so happy to head off though I think Jonathan was a little sad. He gave her a few hugs and kisses before he would let her go.

We arrived really early because there is no parking at the school. So we sat in the car and talked for about 10 minutes. Then we made our way up the school, taking a few moments for a couple pictures.

Hannah found her cubby and hung her back pack up. Then she picked out her sticker and without hardly a glance said, "Bye mom." Then I sat around in the cafeteria for a little while only to hear the same thing I had heard twice before. I felt like I had kind of wasted my morning by taking her to school yesterday but it was nice to see her to her class.

I wish it had been as easy as that, however, we went to pick her up from the bus and it was not the "butterfly bus" we'd been told she should ride. There was a lot of traffic on the bus drivers radio so we couldn't find out where she was. So they told us to go to the school and they would take her back there.

We went and quickly. I knew she would be so upset when she got there and I didn't want to miss her. We waited and waited. Finally just as I volunteered to go check where the office people thought the kids (there were two other kids on the wrong bus too) may have gotten off the bus, the bus rounded the corner. Hannah slowly made her way off the bus, wide eyed and scared. All I could do was hug her and cry with her. I finally found my voice and reassured her that she was fine and I was grateful that she had stayed on the bus. The principal was out there along with her teacher by them and they too, comforted and did what they could to help. The principal brought Hannah in for a little snack and a drink before we left. By the time we got in the car I think Hannah was all better and we headed to the Library.

That afternoon Hannah called her grandma's and her dad and related the story of her day to them. She started each time by telling about her bus adventure. By the time Hyrum heard it when he got home from work I think she was over it and she just felt like it was a real school adventure. Today she was ready to go back and all was well. We've figured out the real bus for her to ride and today, I have no doubts I will see her walk off the bus at our stop.

All in all, I am excited for this experience. It opens up our world a lot and while that has it's challenges, I really believe it will help us all grow and be better people. I look forward to Back to School Night in a couple weeks where we can learn more about the curriculum and more details about her class.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And time keeps rushing by . . .

I just wanted to share a few pictures and tales of our July adventures.

July 2nd we had a picnic at church in honor of the 4th of July. It was fun. The kids especially loved dressing up in the shirts grandma sent. Jonathan asked Hyrum and I if we would match so we obliged him by wearing striped shirts as well.

About once a week the kids and I go for a long walk. We walk the bike and hike trail around the lake by our home. We recently discovered about halfway around just beyond our usual walk is a splash pad. We walk there, I let the ids play for a few minutes and then we walk back to the car. They're only damp by the time we get home and it makes it a little better experience for them with something to look forward to.

The 10th of July brought a huge change for us as far as church goes. The Stake President announced our Ward was being split and a portion of it combined with a portion of another ward to created the Zilker Park Ward. We were released from our callings since we are in the new ward. It is an exciting new phase for the Church here in Austin and we are excited to be a part of it. There is a lot of work to be done but we are glad we get to roll our sleeve up and take part. Hyrum has been called as the Young Men President and I am the Compassionate Service Leader. This is a picture of the Austin Ward Bishopric the Sunday before the split.

Charlotte has officially joined the crew. She spends most of her time these days with Hannah and Jonathan. Here they are all enjoying a picnic.

Charlotte's new favorite position is standing. If she can get up, she will. It is so much fun to watch her. She's great fun. She has two teeth and is now 9 1/2 months old. We are so glad we have her.

The 23rd we celebrated Pioneer Day (usually the 24th of July but it was on Sunday this year) which is the day the LDS Church celebrates the first pioneers arriving in the Salt Lake Valley. We celebrated Texas Style with fried chicken and baked beans, along with some singing and parading. The snow cones were great because it's hot.

The last week of July Hyrum was out of town and though I don't have any pictures we finally made it to the Children's Museum for the first time since we got here. The kids liked the trains and Hannah enjoyed the flying pig station. You put a parachute with a pig on it, in a clamp, with a pulley, moved the pig up to a cone which released the parachute and the pig would glide to the ground. Thanks Angie and Josh for sharing that with us.

It was a good month, a hot one but a good one. We are praying for rain continually and invite anyone who wants to join us to do so. We went swimming a couple times and enjoyed that. We are trying to make the most of this summer since in just two and a half weeks Hannah will be officially a school girl and family weekday playtime will come to an abrupt halt.